6 Tips to Better Employability

6 tips to better employabilityWhile talking to employers around the world one will realize that despite highly qualified workforce, customers are not satisfied and often search for more compatibility. The reasons could be attributed to our ignorance towards soft skills and casual approach towards creating a framework to impart organized training to empower today’s workforce with the magic of these skills. Read “6 Tips to Better Employability” to understand the importance of certain imposing skills to be successful in career.

There are millions of people with advanced qualification in tech and management domains yet organizations struggle to find right candidates for their organizations. Believe it or not today the focus of entire education system is to enable students to just pass the exam rather than acquiring in depth subject knowledge. Thus, not only soft skills but also domain knowledge remains a serious issue.

Companies find it relatively easy to train its workforce on company specific domain skills but to inculcate soft and life skills, they struggle. Through this post, I would like to share outcome of discussions with top employers and particularly what prime skills they look while recruiting.


Employers consider Humility and integrity as important ingredient to sustain and grow. Today nobody can ignore team work and the success of great companies are due to team excellence. Humility helps to work with the team and company to achieve mutual goal. At the same time it keeps people grounded and avoids conflicts. Integrity makes one loyal to the cause of the company and feeling of self achievement on every small success of the organization.

Client Centric:

Today, in customer centric business conditions and cut throat competition, satisfying a customer is very difficult. Each employee must strive hard to impress customer and that is possible with good inter personal skills.

6 tips to better employability

Leadership Qualities:

The success of an organization lies in the ability to inspire and invoke followership to the organization’s vision. When leadership is encouraged beyond titles and hierarchy, the organization leverages the power of each person rather than a single role. The expectation from candidates is to demonstrate the same rather than hide behind hierarchy.

Also Read: 14 Skills of a Cool Coach

Never-give up attitude:

Top hiring professional say that they look for people who can think out of the box and encourage constant innovation. Intrapreneur and entrepreneurial mindset to create something big and always fight over competition. In short such people look beyond the challenges and employers love them.

Fast Learner:

Learning is never ending process and the one who adapt to learning has more chances to succeed at the highest level. In changing world keeping abreast with advancement is essential so it the futuristic view point to anticipate, inculcate and implement early.


Analytical mindset makes one commercial and organizations need people to think of profits and revenues. An eye for detail transform person into a professional and professional are in demand today.

In academic life one must take effort to simultaneously learn and master the required skills to match the corporate expectancy else, you will be out of the league and unemployable. Once you finish your academics and start approaching companies for employment, it is difficult to learn soft skills.

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14 Skills of a Cool Coach

German Football Team Coach

Training and coaching has always been my passion and after conducting numerous training programs over the years. In pursuit of excellence, I am been continuously observing skills, traits and characteristics of successful personalities. FIFA 2014 saw Brazil getting hammered by German team, and the person behind this German success is undoubtedly their cool coach Joachim Loew. In this post, 14 skills of a cool coach, I am expressing my observations on the skills of Joachim Loew which each leader should possess, be it corporate, sports , political or family.

Inculcate & practice:

Advisor - Advising team on the importance of training, tools, hard work & discipline.

Assessor – Critical analysis of each individual on their strengths and weaknesses to compete at highest level.  Over the year I had observed that people shy away from self analysis, which is always the best but how many of us do really subject us to it? Thus a good coach is important.

Counselor – Mere assessing is not sufficient, unless a systematic roadmap is not drawn to achieve desired goal. A good coach always give due respect to the assessment and come out with an out of the box solution which is not being perceived earlier. He not only resolves emotional problems by sharing psychological unrest due to some mind blocks, relieving and reassuring to extract the best.

Demonstrator – An excellent coach demonstrates the skill required to outperform the competition. By virtue of his experience and acquired skills, he has the ability to create a dream and a path to accomplish, leading from the front.

Friend - An accomplished coach always believe in befriending his protégés which built a personal bond or a personal bridge to share social relationships, ups & downs and their success. It is important to keep personal information confidential because if you do not then all respect the team member had for you as a friend and coach will be lost.

Facilitator – By researching the prevailing conditions and environment around, a result oriented coach Identify the competition for the team and helps them achieve their overall objectives planned.

Fact finder – A methodical coach does in depth research to understand the nuances of the completion by gathering all relevant data, disseminating it to execute and achieve final goals.

Fountain of knowledge – Coach be a good learner and achieve a status of excellence in his own field to impart precision finished training. In addition to his domain, he should always strive to keep abreast with latest happening, competition and ground realities, which may be the part of the good advisor role.

Instructor – Executing the road map, arrived after, assessment, counseling and upgrading the skills of each team member.

Mentor – As a mentor, coach is responsible for health, safety and security of each individual team member. At the same time, he is supposed to guide on finer aspects to achieve the optimum productivity both as an individual and as a team.

Motivator – Keeping the motivation levels high irrespective of the failures with an assurance that same team has the capability and competency to overcome the hurdles and setbacks encountered earlier to come out with flying colors.

Organizer and planner – A coach never bogs down to the condition and organize himself and his team to sit around the drawing board for sound planning . He ensures disciplined approach for training and execution.

Role Model – He has to be undoubtedly role model, who commands respect and his words are last words. He is being emulated by each team members for behavior and impeccable integrity for the team.  

Supporter – Even in adverse situation and failures, a good coach always support and shields his team members as he believes in the concept of “WE” than “I”. He possesses a great treasure of wisdom and qualities to support and extend unbiased attitude.

We all love to watch a fight, but there is a gentlemen sitting on the bench coolly with total confidence on his team that they will create one of the finest moments which one will cherish in their life time.

My dear friends that’s an ideal COACH

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