
Tips For Using Instagram To Promote Your Brand

Needless to say, Instagram is one of the most powerful mobile applications that allow you to share photos, videos or do many more things either publicly or privately. It was founded in the year 2010 by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. Because of its popularity, its number of users rapidly increases on a daily basis. Nowadays, it is widely used to promote a business or to drive sales. It increases your followers who are actually interested in your products and services. If you are new to Instagram, don’t need to worry. It’s because here in this article, we covered all points, which you should know to promote your brand worldwide and to increase your sale. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started.

Create your separate identity: If you want to promote your brand on Instagram, so, first of all, you have to create your separate identity on it. For this, you just need to create a new business account, which is totally separate from your personal account.

Include a link to boost traffic: Another easiest way to promote your brand over the Instagram is by adding your website link to it. It allows you to directly lead a click over to your website. This will help your follower to land your website directly without facing any problem.

Include an informative bio to hook your followers: You should always keep in mind that your follower will first go through your profile, if they seem it interesting or informative then only they will start following you. This will help you to promote your products and services or your brand name as well.

Optimize your images to stand out: Instagram automatically makes your photo square; you just need to crop it professionally, so that it can easily grab the attention of the follower and they will start getting engaged with you. You should always use quality photos of your offered products and services to drive sales or for its promotion as well.

That’s all, what you need to promote your brand on Instagram. As a social media manager, you should understand the power of Instagram and use it accordingly to get more results. This is one of the easiest ways to get engaged with your followers, you just need to know how to actually use it. And all above points will help in this. Always remember marketing is not for you, it’s for your audience, so, think from their perspective, so, that your efforts will never get wasted.

Source by Gunjan Singh

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Sachin Iyer

I am a self‐learned digital executive, leader, strategist and trainer by profession and experience. I have rich experience as marketer, trainer, entrepreneurial evangelist and start up facilitator. I admire first generation of entrepreneurs and conducted more than 200 programs to establish startup ecosystem in Central India. I have worn many hats in my career, as a result, I have a unique ability to manage multi‐disciplinary projects and navigate complex challenges in the process. I have big ideas and I don't care who gets credit, I just like to facilitate. Drop me a line anytime, whether it's a collaboration, writing projects, skills training or just business - will love to hear from you - [email protected]

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