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Performance Coaching – The Latest 7 High Powered Secrets to Improve Your Performance Coaching

Are you trying to help an employee to improve his performance at work? Then, here's a step-by-step performance coaching program that you can use:

1. The first thing that you need to do is to diffuse hostility at the start of the coaching session. You can do this by citing your trainee for his contributions. Say, "I really liked what you have done this morning when you took the time to really understand your customer and keep him everything good. This can help in setting up the tone of the meeting. Be careful not to sound patronizing though.

2. Reason for the coaching session. Start the coaching session by telling your trainees the reason for the meeting. Get straight to the point and avoid using negative terms that can make your trainees feel less of themselves. Say, "I want to discuss with you a situation that happened yesterday." Carefully watch your tone and make sure that you focus on the behavior and not the person himself.

3. Explain the result of the behavior. Tell your trainees the consequences of their actions and why you need to deal with it immediately. Say "sharing our client's personal information can put our company in the bad light as this will surely cost us the trust of your customer base".

4. Get your trainee's side of the story. Ask your trainees to air their side and explain the reasons for their behavior. Make sure that you do not appear urgent and encourage him to go on details so you can get a clear picture. Practice active listening all through.

5. Review the company's rules and regulations with your trainees. You will need to make your trainee understand that they have violated the rules set by the company. Explain these rules again and make sure that you are on the same page. Encourage your trainees to ask questions and provide the most appropriate answer.

6. Ask for your trainee's opinion. Ask your trainee about the things that he needs to do to straighten out the issue. Most of the time, these people know what they need to and they just need somebody to affirm it. Get him to write his action plan and sign it. You can use this as reference later on.

7. Action plan. Tell your trainee exactly what they need to do to improve the situation and seek for agreement before you end the coaching session.

Source by Sean Mize

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Sanjay Tatwawadi
Sanjay , allthough an engineer by profession has varied interests in sales, marketing, sports, science and spiritualism. He coaches and specialises in training the new generation for betterment in life. A Rotarian to the core, he has excelled in adding value added program for enrichment of society at large Having lead the team to different countries in vocational and cultural exchange programs. An avid cyclist and badminton player, he is passionate in writing and promoting good reading habits in youngsters.
Sanjay Tatwawadi

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