The ultimate goal of Bringing more traffic to your website is to make money online .
We classify the website promotion strategies into four ways.
Online Advertising (which involves continuing running cost)
Online Promotion
Offline Advertising. (which involves running Cost)
Offline Promotion.
Online Advertising :
1. The Fastest Way to reach online audience is through Online Advertising. Google AdWords is the best Pay-Per-click Engine which brings targeted audience to your website efficiently. Webmaster has to identify the niche area his website belongs to and has to bid on the keywords to get traffic.
2. Banner Advertising is the other way of getting traffic to your website. Try to create good looking banners and promote them in related websites on CPM basis.
3. If one has to save the cost and does not want exceed his budget, can go for flat fee based banner Advertising. Some of sites charge a daily fee, weekly fee, and monthly fee for various sizes of Banner Ads. One such third Party Service is Provided by Adbrite.
4. Instead of having Static Images as banners try to provide more animated or Flashy Ads which makes drag the attention of people to your ads.
5. Try the Context sensitive Textual ads from Google AdWords which can have a greater CTR.
6. Visualizations can provide a complete understanding of your website in a short span of time. Try to develop video ads for your website and promote them with Google Adwords.
7. If you are trying to sell a product, then advertise with Product promoting Engines like chikita which can reduce your cost.
8. Really Simple syndication (Rss) is the new way of advertising and promoting your website. One can advertise their website with help of feeding vendors like feed burner or feedster.
9. One visits a website to explore good content needed for him, not for the advertisements Or the banners. So he can easily shift his attention.
From banners and advertisements. Instead of providing them with separate links, banners, Images, try to advertise ur links directly embedded into the content which
can bring great traffic.
10. Advertise on search engines for a flat fee. (sites like provide this facility)
11. Promoting your website by Pop-ups, Pop under ads.
12. Advertising your website as content in other content related websites.
13. If your website is marketing a product or a service, then u can start affiliate programs to make more sales and traffic.
14. Investing in optimizing your website to have a good traffic from search engine.
15. Some high ranked websites can also provide a link to your website on a monthly basis for large fee (Highly useful in Link Building Campaign)
Online Promotion :
1. The best way for your website to generate traffic exponentially and regularly by optimizing your website for search engines. Almost 70% of the today's search engine
Traffic is generated by Google. More number of people reach their desired website only by search engines. If you can optimize your website for search engines, U can be assured of regular traffic.Optimization involves Many steps. But the preferential step to make your website popular is link building in almost all the search engines. Popularity factor differs between different search engines.
In a short way we can say that your website will be the most popular if many other websites have a link to your website.
2. Promote your website by Newsletters and e-mail campaigns.
3. Promote your website by social networking websites like myspace.
4. If you are a good expert on some topic, U can improve the traffic by answering various queries in various forums.
5. You can also put a link next to your response in forums which can help in link building campaign.
6. Promote by writing various articles related to your website and submit them to free e-zines which can result in traffic and link building campaigns for your website.
7. Submit your website to free online directories.
8. Submit your website to Most popular directories on the web like Yahoo, Dmoz, Botw (best of the web) which can help your website in ranking as well as bringing
small traffic. (Dmoz is free, Yahoo, botw requires annual fee).
9. Join in some of the webring companies to improve search engine traffic. A webring in general is a collection of websites from around the Internet joined together in a circular structure. When used to improve search engine rankings, webrings can be considered a search engine optimization technique.
10. Post about your website in the some of the groups like yahoo groups, Google Groups, Msn Groups.
11. Improve the SEO BY creating pages of your website on, squidoo, wordpress etc
12. If your site is a media site, Post some of the graphics, Pictures on photo sharing Websites like flickr.
13. You can also promote your website by creating information videos and submitting them to social networking websites like
14. By Providing some sweepstakes, freebies one can also get good traffic to his website.
15. Design a toolbar with some goodies and make it available to download for the users visiting your website.
16. One can bring huge amount of links to this website by developing some themes, tools, plug-ins for the webmasters.
17. Write Some e-books on the topic that interests you, and is of immensely helpful to people. By having a link on the e-book to your website can improve traffic.
18. Inform your friends, family and co-workers about ur website through e-mail.
19. Provide some contests on your website which can get u recording visitors.
20. Make ur website user friendly and a way to express their feelings about ur website comments, Polls, feedback etc
21. Having your website link in your e-mail signature can also improve the traffic.
22. Participating in some traffic exchange programs can also bring some traffic. This is not a good way of generating traffic as it violates many policies to earn income from your website.
23. Announcing the launch of your website in various news portals, Online Magazines etc.
24. Providing Highly demanding content for the users freely by asking them to refer their friends and family called as viral Marketing.
Offline Advertising
1. Advertise about your website in newspapers classifieds sections.
2. Advertise about your website in your regional and local newspapers.
3. Promoting your website in local radio stations.
4. Prepare an good looking funny ad about your website and advertise in the television channels.
5. Distribute T-shirts having your website name freely.
6. Conduct some contests on your website name.
7. Announcing your website through brochures, Pamphlets.
8. Advertising about your website through wall posters in Platforms, Bus Stations, and some public areas.
9. Even having your website name in your visiting card is also a way of promoting your website.
10. Promoting your website in Hugely employee oriented companies.
Source by Parveen Kumar Devatha

Sachin Iyer

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