Material WP – Material Design Dashboard Theme

Material WP – Material Design Dashboard Theme

WordPress admin interface has been the same for ages. The version 3.8 of our beloved platform tried to bring a fresher design, but the basic idea remained the same. It’s time to bring something entirely new to the table: Material WP.

Every wonder how a Material Design version of the admin interface would look like? You now can get that look and feel right in your admin panel. Check the demo and the screenshots!


  1. Completely redesign of the admin interface,based on Material Design
  2. Drag and Drop admin menu Reorder (individual to each user)
  3. Responsiveness
  4. Parallax Block
  5. Login Page Styles
  6. Import / Export of Settings!
  7. Widths and Heights controls of admin menu and Parallax Block
  8. Custom CSS field (with support to SCSS syntax!)
  9. Awesome Multisite Support – Set styling options globally to all sites in the network!
  10. (NEW!) RTL support added!
  11. (NEW!) Menu editor now supports HIDING menu items!


As not every WordPress plugin developer follows the WordPress guidelines on how to implement WordPress custom Admin Pages, some plugin’s admin pages may present weird pages using this theme. But fear not: just send us a message via our profile and we will do our best to add the plugin to our compatibility list. All the most commonly used plugins are already compatible, like VC, WooCommerce, bbPress, BuddyPress, Jetpack, etc

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Our Items


Version 0.0.44
- Added: Option to remove the Cog Icon from the TopBar;
Version 0.0.43
- Fixed: Issue with styles;
- Fixed: PHP Warning being thrown due to the newly added roles function;
Version 0.0.42
- Fixed: minor issue with button "Upload Theme".
Version 0.0.41
- Added: Admins can now select roles to apply the theme;
- Added: Admins can now select users to apply the theme;
- Fixes: Small bug and compatibility issues;
Version 0.0.40
- Fixes: Bugs from the previous version;
Version 0.0.39
- Fixes: small bug and compatibility issues;
- Added: Blacklist feature under the functionalities table;
Version 0.0.38
- Fixed: Small problem with Mailster admin menus
- Improvement: Behavior in larger screens
Version 0.0.37
- Fixed: Incompatibility with Thrive Leads
- Fixed: Expand button only appeared in a few pages in the admin
- Fixed: Reestructure of some CSS directives to allow better support of custom fonts
Version 0.0.36
- Fixed: Compatible with WP 4.7
- Fixed: some typos in the settings page
- Fixed: menu label now has no hight when empty
- Added: Loco Translator XML config file to allow translations using the plugin
- Fixed: HTML code being displayed when used with "Toolset Types" plugin
- Fixed: Some wraps fixed + alignment issues
- Fixed: Problem with Visual Composer frontend editor
- Fixed: New strings translated for the Brazilian pPortuguese language
Version 0.0.35
- Fixed: Exporter not working on Multisite
- Fixed: Incompatibilities with Booked Appointments
Version 0.0.34
- Fixed: incompatibility with Ninja Forms
Version 0.0.33
- New Feature: Option to hide the avatar Link
- New Feature: Option to change the link of the avatar block
Version 0.0.32
- Better compatibility with ConvertPlugin
Version 0.0.31
- New Feature: Expand Button
Version 0.0.30
- Fixed: minor bugs with the tooltip in the RTL version.
- Changed our name from 732 to the rebranded NextPress.
Version 0.0.29
- Fixed: Styles gettings added to the frontend, now it is not.
- Fixed: Update notices displayed in a weird way in the nav-menus admin page.
Version 0.0.28
- Fixed: Importer not recompiling after importing settings.
- Fixed: Folded menu bugs.
- New Feature: Option to set the url of the logo on the admin bar.
Version 0.0.27
- Fixed: Disable admin-bar on the front-end was bugging the admin bar on the backend.
Version 0.0.26
- New Feature: Option to re-add the user card on the WP Toolbar.
- New Feature: Icon and Font-size option added to the WP Toolbar.
- Improvement: Plugin now compiles whenever a new blog is added to a network.
- New Feature: Plugin now detects possible permission errors and notify users to fix them.
- Fix on Parallax Block height and bug.
Version 0.0.25
- Fixed: Support to WordPress 4.5 Coleman
- Fixed: Solid color not displaying in mobile views
Version 0.0.24
- Fixed: incompatibility with Desktop Server by ServerPress
- Fixed: Path problem causing issues in some ajax calls
Version 0.0.23
- Fixed: incompatibility in the menu of Iron Music
- Fixed: Issue with other plugins that change the admin bar
- Added: Ripples of Material Design in all possible elements
- Fixed: Issues with Font Awesome not being loaded
- Fixed: Dynamic styles are no longer loaded in the front-end
Version 0.0.22
- New Feature: the possibility of not enqueueing the styles to the login page.
- Bugfix: Now the compiler runs after blog creation as well
Version 0.0.21
- New Feature: The menu editor now lets you hide the items you don't want to see, with just one click!
Version 0.0.20
- Improvements in the Dynamic styles compile process
-- Fixed: bug of multiple blogs in network using Material WP
- Fixed: incompatibility with WP-Client.
Version 0.0.19
|-- Now Material WP caches the dynamic CSS styles to reduce the load times. Performance was enhanced by a factor of 3.
- New Feature: Hide Help and Screen Options Tab
Version 0.0.18
- RTL Support Added
Version 0.0.17
- Fixed: Modal dropboxes bug
- New Feature: Hook added to allow developers to change the background image of the parallax block
- Fix in the internationalization code: It now works
- pt_BR added. If you want to contribute with the translation of Material WP, send me an email
Version 0.0.16
- Fixed: little style incompatibility with MailPoet
- Fixed: Admin bar height ajusted in the frontend
- New Feature: Remove the opacity trasition in the parallax block
|-- Note: This may require you to re-select the color you want to use in the parallax block.
- New Feature: Display only a color block in parallax block
Version 0.0.15
- Fixed: Bug in margins in the themes.php when only one theme is installed
- New default logo for the plugin
Version 0.0.14
- Fixed: Some corrections on the news brought by WordPress 4.4
- Fixed: Text color on button primary changed
Version 0.0.13
- Fixed: Custom height of adminbar leaking to the frontend even when frontend styles were disabled.
- Fixed: Removed a unecessary piece of code that was causing bugs with OptionsTree and Admin Menu Editor Pro.
Version 0.0.12
- Fixed: Missing points in the encapsulated process of Titan Framework.
- Fixed: WordPress Social Login plugin, Tabs being hidden.
- Fixed: Incompatibilities with FormCraft plugin.
- Fixed: Incompatibilities with Bookly
Version 0.0.11
- Fixed: little incompatibility with WP Admin Menu Manager
- Fixed: problems with Custom Sidebars from WPMUDEV
- Fixed: problems with Real Media Library
Version 0.0.10
- Fixed: removed shortcut PHP definition (
Version 0.0.9
-- Now when "Network Active" Material displays the options menu only in the network admin, letting you choose global settings that will be applied to every blog in the network.
- New: Ability to change the link in the logo in the login page.
- New: Ability to display or hide the "Back to Blog" link in the login.
Version 0.0.8
- HUGE UPDATE: The block system used in the theme was replaced from .wrap (which is recomended by WordPress but devs often don't use - what was causing a number of plugin incompatibilities) to #wpbody-content. With that change, Material WP is now virtually compatible with all WordPress plugins. (But if you spot something spooky, just send us a message as always).
- New: Change the height of the admin bar as well as its subitems
- Encapsulated Titan Framework to avoid conflict with other plugins and theme using it
Version 0.0.7
- New: Ability to disable menu editing
- New: Change or Hide the menu label ("Main Menu" text over the admin menu)
- New: Ability to use the default admin bar in the frontend
- New: Ability to disable random color in the admin menu icons and setting your own
- New: Our "Happy Buyers Club" Newsletter Link Added
- New: POT files added for plugin translation
- New: Option to position the admin menu on the right
- New Compatibility: WP Clone by WP Academy
- New Compatibility: Google Analytics Dashboard for WP
- New Compatibility: CiviCRM
- New Compatibility: SkyStatus Plugin
- Fixed: Admin Menu Pro Icon Changer
Version 0.0.6
- Fixed: Customizer Bug
- Fixed some compatibility issues with plugins (Now 100% Compatible):
-- Visual Composer and Visual Composer Fullscreen
-- OptinLinks
-- UserPro
-- UberMenu
-- Premium SEO Pack
-- Ultimate Tweaker
-- UpdraftPlus Backup/Restore
-- Layered Popups
-- Admin Menu Editor Pro
-- WordFence
-- ZenCache
-- WP Media Folder
-- Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress
-- Flow-Flow ? Social Streams Plugin
-- Askimet
-- All-in-One WP Migration
-- NestedPages
-- CQPIM WordPress Project Management Plugin
Version 0.0.5
- Fixed: autoupdates displaying update notice without any updates available.
- 100% Compatibility List: MyMail added.
- Admin menu default width is now 280px.
Version 0.0.4 
- Active Admin Menu now stays open.
- Fixed: Titan Framework leaking custom CSS to the frontend.
Version 0.0.3
- New Customization options added, such as:
--- Custom CSS field (with SCSS support!);
--- Sidemenu width;
--- Parallax block height;
- Update of options framework used
- Fix in the styles of the "inactivity" login modal
- Basic import and Export features using JSON (improvements will be mande in this to allow for media import from external sources and much more)
- Material WP now uses luminosity tests to determine with text color to use on buttons and toolbars based on the colors choose by the user!
- Hooks in our framework to allow us to display errors when they occur
Version 0.0.2
- Only loads styes in frontend when logged (wpadminbar is shown).
- Removed some extra CSS enqueued to the front-end that could cause conflicts with front-end themes.
- Custom logo src url fix.
- Fix in some custom icons not showing up.
Version 0.0.1
- Initial Release on CodeCanyon.
Buy Material WP – Material Design Dashboard Theme at just 19

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