Know the power of blogging in Competitive World

Blogs is abbreviation of weblogs, are online articles or collection of articles arranged on a website. This is technical expression, if you ask me – Blogs are a way of conveying yourself in written form it is also the way to talk with the world.

Why should we go for blogging?

Today large chunk of world’s population is online and looking for information to learn new things in their grey areas. They are spending huge amount of time on their palm, pda, iphone, smartphone, notebook or desktop pc. They use those units to connect, search, browse, read, vote, buy, sell, write, read, the truth is that a lot of people genuinely live online.

This has also opened up new business avenues to promote products & services to cater global audience.

In this practical world the blogs are a new media. People that blog do it by virtue of passion, or just to kill some time. Some of the bloggers find out that as a way to pay the bills, and some make millions per year. Newspapers and constant media are losing grounds very very quickly and are being substituted by social medias and blogs.

Know the power of blogging in Competitive World

Generally, blogs are invented for personal use. Like a diary, persons may write their daily adventures, fancies and sentiments, and whatsoever ideas they want to express on the internet with the arrival of the online businesses, blogs had gradually taken the limelight in offering businesses a prospect to boosting their productivity online. This is where the business blogs have taken the limelight. Business blogs are, essentially, invented to advertise the services or merchandise of a certain web-site or internet business in order to increment online sales.

From homeowners, small and medium enterprises to the fortune 500 corporations – everyone understands the power of The Blog! The corporate blog is one of the most popular things for the big corporations and at the present even small business keepers and professionals like lawyers, accountants or even your local dentist do blog. They know that this is the easiest way to reach potential new people while in the same time enhancing the relationship that they have with the latest clients or partners.

Providing techniques and input, following the latest trends, reviewing products, breaking news, your expert attitude – there are countless possibilities to harness and show that you have the knowledge and you have the skills. This is lowering the walls between you and the readers of your website, they will be one step closer to getting to be your loyal clients. Your blog could possibly turn you in an authority expert and it is a very powerful device.

Blogs will help you climb up in search engine results

But it also has another gain that is at least as equally valuable. Typically when you have a website, no matter if you run a small or medium business or if you are simply just a professional (doctor, lawyer, accountant, dentist, photographer..etc.) Your website will not be very content rich– meaning that you will have less pages for the search engines to see. (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Bing, Ask and so on.. )

Some people use blogs simply to increase their web site ranking in the search engines, as regular updates help keep web sites relevant. And some people just want someone to talk to, so they talk to everyone via a personal-journal-type blog.

High-quality of your posts matters.

A traditional website has Home page, About us, Services/Products, Contact us that’s the most prevalent theme. But the more content you have, the more this content is related to your business and your niche, the easier it will be for visitors to find your internet site and become aware of the services and products that you offer.

What more, you can earn money

Today, there is lot of potential to earn money by writing blogs. You can become affiliates and promote the products and services of many companies and earn money by earning commissions. There are enough companies eager advertise their products or services on your blog site, provided you have lot membership or readers on your site.

Personal Branding

Having your own site is the first to communicate and start your own personal branding. The topics on which you write will make you a brand authority in that particular area. It is important today that one must think to pursue blogging to enjoy the attention on the internet.

So, whether or not you are thinking of making a blog, whether for business or for fun, you must recognize a lot of tips that could support you to get through and make your blog one of the venerable and interesting blogs online.

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Sachin Iyer

I am a self‐learned digital executive, leader, strategist and trainer by profession and experience. I have rich experience as marketer, trainer, entrepreneurial evangelist and start up facilitator. I admire first generation of entrepreneurs and conducted more than 200 programs to establish startup ecosystem in Central India. I have worn many hats in my career, as a result, I have a unique ability to manage multi‐disciplinary projects and navigate complex challenges in the process. I have big ideas and I don't care who gets credit, I just like to facilitate. Drop me a line anytime, whether it's a collaboration, writing projects, skills training or just business - will love to hear from you - [email protected]

Categories: Blogging


  1. Informative and a good eye opener to do something meaningful online. I started reading the posts on of late and compliments to you guys for the wonderful work.

  2. I am also keen to start blogging and think that I have lot of content which I should share with global citizens. I have acquired this through my experience. But, the fact is I do not know how? Can you help me publish my blog.

  3. Dr. Anjan Mohapatra

    I try to read all good blogs on internet and I bumped with your site, it really has quality content and articles are well written. The topic is well explained and I agree that today you can create your own identity and authority on internet with blogs. I have recently started writing and not many visitors are there on my posts. So, please write on how to promote and acquire more visitors consistently.


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