The only limits to success are the ones you put on yourself. You can increase your business edge by look within. Look to the resources inside your company and your own personal resources as well.
You Choose:
You have a choice. You can decide that you're going to get ahead and reach your goals by believing in you, your company and vision and do whatever it takes to make it happen. Or, you can give up and fold when the challenges get too steep and the workload over the top!
Wasting time is for the uninspired and unenlighted! You know concentrated effort gets the job done and done right. Face it, there are unwanted tasks to every project, not to be ignored or put off. If you waver about completing them, outsource or delegate. Find someone who can do them well, and get on with the tasks that appeal to you and that you're better at performing.
Use your energy and the energy of your team effectively and efficiently. Know what your talents are and the talents of your employees. Put those talents to the best use possible. When you've accomplished even a small task, give yourself a well deserved pat on the back to boost your enthusiasm. Promote yourself; do not inflate yourself and get the credit that you deserve.
Promote Others:
Do the same for your team members. Everyone likes to be recognized for their efforts and accomplishments. This spurs them on to greater output and builds their confidence. Believe in the other people who help make it all possible. They are the backbone of your company and can even inspire you to more feats of greatness.
Promotion also includes those colleges and business associates that you network and do business with. Cross-promotion is a win-win strategy that puts everyone ahead and sees the potential strength in numbers.
Be Flexible:
Make sure that you're flexible enough to make adjustments along the way. Companies today must be ready to shift gears based on company, market and consumer demands. That requires continuous scrutiny on what's happening in your industry, other industries, and globally. Learn how to tap into the pulse of your business by staying informed. Everyone admires an entrepreneur, not a fool.
Flexibility covers the way that you do business, your product line, customer service, employee training and more. It may be reflected in your marketing strategies, public relations, future goals, and even by the measures that you use to evaluate your company success.
Source by Jo Anne White

Dr. Ravindra Aher

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